Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Never Say Uncle

It was an expression we used as a kid.  Meaning, “I will NOT give up.”  I was texting a friend of many years this morning.  I asked her how she was doing and her response to me was, “I am good, really good.”

I cannot tell you how this inspired me.  Only 5 years ago she lost her job, gave up her condo and moved in with her mother in another state.  She was dealing with a bad break-up and in general, she lost her faith in the opposite sex.

What my friend NEVER did was give up.  She wanted to.  She was depressed, without energy and feeling as if no matter what she did, life dumped on her.

She did everything in her power to get a job back in this area, get back into her condo and rebuild her trust in men, and is now in a relationship.  Was this easy?  NO!

What a difference a few short years have been for her.  I am inspired by her and others daily who face their challenges head on.  Sure, it might seem like two steps back for every step forward.

Are you the type of person who NEVER says Uncle?  Although there have been many times I have wanted to, I believe I am.

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