Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Spontaneity - The Night the Lights Went Out

It was all planned.  For months we talked about the food.  We planned fun games.  We arranged for ocean view rooms.  We talked about
car-pooling, marketing and all the necessary components of our yearly girl’s weekend away. 

We covered everything you could possibly think of EXCEPT the loss of electricity for an entire evening and the first several hours of the morning (that is right, NO coffee). 

No one brought a candle; no one had a flashlight.  With our cell phones getting low, the sun long gone and our hotel off the coast miles from town, we spent the best night we can all remember.

There were 10 of us.  We huddled in the living room.  On the couch, on the floor and leaning up against each other, we told jokes, stories, and shared bits and pieces of our lives.

Although there was plenty of moaning from all the things we couldn’t do, there were times we were laughing so hard all we really needed was a box of tissues.

No music, no TV, and for the most part no electronics.  Instead of relying on devices for our entertainment, we relied on each other.  We had to dig in pretty deep to find the humor as we NEVER thought the hour or so we were told we would be in the dark would actually turn into over 14 hours.

And yet, it will be that very 14 hours that will make this weekend the most memorable, fun and special one so far.

With all the planning and meetings we had, it turned out that the things we did not plan for mixed in with a healthy dose of imagination turned what could have been a horrible weekend into one of the best!

What a concept!  Spontaneity

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