Friday, May 24, 2013


It has always been my philosophy that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.  And, I love the expression, “Want to give God a good laugh, make a plan.”

In reality the above seems wise and comforting when someone else is faced with challenges and real life decisions.  The truth is, they are both quite obnoxious, when the subject is us and someone or something is pulling the carpet out from under our feet.

I now find myself the object of this virtual carpet.  And, I am struggling to find the comfort in a glass of lemonade or making God laugh.

Having said that, I know the drill.  I muster up the courage, and I look at all before me with the knowledge and experience that when one door closes another one opens.

I am famous for saying, “Life is a journey”.  I am famous for saying many positive, life-affirming catch phrases.  And, ‘if the truth be told’ (a phrase that is a tad over used), I actually have sipped the ‘Kool-aid’.

So, I make my lists, I prioritize my tasks, and I follow-up on leads.  All the while alternating my thoughts between ‘what will become of me’, to ‘what will the future bring’?

Today, I have made the decision that although the road can be bumpy, I will wear steady shoes.  And, although the air is breezy, I will wear my windbreaker.  And because there are slippery hills, I will carry my walking stick. 

And even though I would like to stick my head under the covers and not come out, in the end, I will take head-on whatever life throws my way and I will laugh with God while I add a little sugar to my large glass of well-deserved lemonade.

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